Integrate with Malomo.js

Set up Malomo.js to create premium post-purchase experiences

Set up Malomo.js

Include the following script in the head section of your tracking page. This script must always load directly from You can't include the script in a bundle or host a copy of it yourself.

<script src="" type="application/javascript"></script>

Set up Malomo Elements

Elements is available as part of Malomo.js and provides drop-in UI components that you can use to build premium post-purchase experiences.

To create an instance of Elements, use the following JavaScript code.

var malomo = Malomo('pk_dd475cb111b894c84e8c0af84e500795');
var elements = malomo.elements();

Replace the sample API key with your publishable key. This will allow you to use your Malomo account when using Malomo.js.

HTTPS Requirement

When you use Elements, all information is submitted over a secure HTTPS connection. To protect yourself from certain forms of man-in-the-middle attacks, and to prevent your customers from seeing Mixed Content warnings in modern browsers, you must serve the page that contains Malomo.js over HTTPS as well.

In short, the address of the page that contains Elements must start with https:// rather than http://.

Last updated